clients and projects

Clients and projects: some references in our core business

Design, décor, architecture, construction industry

ADI Imprese (ADI Industrial Design Association)

AiCARR (Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration)

Arketipo Firenze (furniture, design)

Baleri Italia (furniture, design)

Cattelan Italia (furniture, design)

Delisart Exclusive Design Excellence (furniture, design)

Domitalia (furniture, design)

Ecolibera (off-grid ready houses)

Finlibera (real estate) (real estate, co-living)

Miriam Mirri (designer)

Ottavio Di Blasi & Partners (architecture studio)

Pezzi di Napoli (design, furniture, home decor)

Poplab (architecture design studio)

Purho (design objects)

Luca Roccadadria (designer)

Rockfon – Rockwool Italia (acoustic system for design and architecture)

Rozzoni Mobili (furniture, contemporary)

Skitsch (design)

Vittorio Grassi Architetto & Partners (achitecture studio)

Westway Architects (achitecture studio)

Palmalisa Zantedeschi (creative in marble industry)

Lifestyle, luxury, well-being, hospitality, food

Aperitivo900 (food and hospitality event)

Diana110 at Sheraton Diana Majestic (event)

Des Iles SPA (hospitality and wellbeing)

Grand Hotel des Iles Borromées & SPA (hospitality and leisure)

Natural Boom (beverage)

Samanta Cornaviera (blogger)

Culture, art, entertainment, leisure

Ad Artem (Milanese company in the sector of cultural heritage enhancement)

Brerart in Milan (art event)

Domus Voices event at Milano Design Week (Editoriale Domus)

F@Mu – National Day of Families at the Museum

Sandro Gorra artist at Milano Design Week (5VIE Design district)

Linee d’Ombra – vivere la piazza  (Shadow Lines – living the square) at Milano Design Week

Milano Film Festival

Summer Jamboree Festival in Sinigallia (Italy)

exhibition L’arte dell’attimo. Le Giraffe di Gorra a Forte (Villa Bertelli, Forte dei Marmi-Italy, 16 June / 30 September 2023)

exhibition Sandro Gorra. L’arte dell’attimo (Spoleto-Italy, 23 June / 27 July 2022)

exhibition Palmalisa Zantedeschi San Giorgio, Pattern of Crafts, Homo Faber Event (Venice-Italy, 10 April / 1 May 2022)

exhibition Sandro Gorra. L’arte dell’attimo (Pietrasanta-Italy, 6 March / 5 June 2022)

exhibition Women. Milton H. Greene (Senigallia-Italy, 17 June / 26 September 2021)

exhibition La danza felice dei Barabubbles (Venezia-Italy, 31 May / 18 July 2021)

exhibition Rock’n’Roll is a state of the Soul (Senigallia, Italy, 14 June / 29 September 2019)

sustainability, environment and social issues

Associazione Consorzio Cantiere Cuccagna; project Radici di Comunità with La Mescolanza Impresa Sociale

Associazione Giacimenti Urbani; project Festival Giacimenti Urbani, Re-bikeMi upcycling design contest, the Manifesto of the reuse, Noplà plastic free, Fa’ la cosa giusta fair

Il Mare un sorriso per tutti / The sea a smile for everyone (Fondazione Vodafone Italia – HSA Italia)

Linee d’Ombra  – vivere la piazza / Shadow Lines – living the square

Love Design (Airc – ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale)

Subacquea Zero Barriere by HSA Italia (national event about underwater zero barriers)

Tesla Owners Italia; special projet humanitarian mission to Ukraine; electric car campaigns for the environment and health (Italian Association of Tesla car owners)

Vanaprastha International Onlus (project of fundraising)

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